International Tanker Contract of Affreightment 国际油轮船东包运合同
A contract of affreightment is common in charter transportation. 包运租船合同,是租船运输中的一种常见方式。
There are many researches about affreightment contract, affreightment broker and financial decision-making of these affreightment businesses, which is related to my thesis. 以往对租船业务的研究更多的集中在租船合同和租船实务以及如何有效地进行租船财务决策上。与本文直接相关的就是租船业务的财务决策。
Firstly, this thesis defines the definition of the contract of affreightment, and analyses its characteristics, nature ( one kind of contract of carriage of goods by sea) and important functions to the charterer and ship's owner. 本文首先确定了包运租船合同的定义,分析了其基本特征,法律性质(应归类于海上货物运输合同),以及对于承租人和承租人所起到的重要作用。
Research on Legal Questions of Contract of Affreightment 包运租船合同法律问题研究